Arshad Warsi, a famous Bollywood actor and comedian, is often known for his outspoken and outspoken ideology. Recently, he made a comment about South Indian superstar Prabhas which has become a topic of discussion on social media and film circles. This comment was made about Prabhas's previous film "Kalki289AD" and his look in it, in which Arshad called him a "joker".
Why did Prabhas' fans get angry at Arshad Warsi's statement.
This statement of Arshad Warsi caused a controversy among many fans. Actually, Arshad had said in an interview that Prabhas' look in "Kalki289AD" seems like a joker to him. On hearing this comment, Prabhas' fans got angry and started giving their reaction on social media.
Prabhas fans went crazy over what Arshad Warsi did.
Although Arshad did not intend to hurt anyone's sentiments, he made the statement in a light-hearted manner, but fans took it seriously. Arshad then clarified his comment and said that his intention was only to joke. He clarified that he respects Prabhas a lot and considers him a great actor.
Prabhas, who has become a big superstar after the "Baahubali" series, had fans react sharply to Arshad's comment. Many people on social media trolled Arshad for his statement. At the same time, some people advised to ignore it considering it a small matter.
This incident also showed how dedicated and sensitive fans of film stars are. They do not tolerate any kind of criticism or joke against their favorite star at all. The same was seen in the case of Arshad Warsi, where Prabhas fans took his joke personally.